The Sufi Tarot

“Sabr or Temperance in traditional tarot is a card about balance, patience, and a form of acceptance that connects us to our angelic nature. It points to the benefits of creating equilibrium—not just between the inner and the outer, the Baatin and the Zahir, but also between emotion and logic, the spiritual and the physical, […]

Ship of Fools Tarot

“Therefore an original treatment of Temperance (14-1), a standing fool who pours the contents of one jug of liquid into another, has been created from diverse elements of the Narrenschiff. The pitchers overflow, watering a flower growing between the fool’s feet. Temperance, as portrayed in the tarot, is properly female, and she does not spill […]

XIV Temperance, Star Spinner Tarot, Trungles, Chronicle Books, 2020. From STAR SPINNER TAROT, ©2020 Trungles. Used with Permission from Chronicle Books, LLC. Visit

Temperance indicates self-discipline and strength of character. As death suggests an ever-changing world. Temperance represents the certainty that the most essential parts of us will remain. Despite the challenges and pain that often accompany change and growth, you may find that your strong personal and interpersonal foundations help keep you grounded. (42)

XI Justice, Star Spinner Tarot, Trungles, Chronicle Books, 2020. From STAR SPINNER TAROT, ©2020 Trungles. Used with Permission from Chronicle Books, LLC. Visit

Justice reminds us to actively course-correct those instances of institutional bias. It is not simple a matter of what is fair. Justice interrogates which lenses are corrupted by structures that value a concentration of power. Regardless of whether or not it benefits you personally, value and pursue what is right instead of, or perhaps despite, […]